You should have the opportunity to be more than one person with different people because you have that within you. It's not like you're faking it. If everyone knows you so well and can always get a hold of you, then you're stuck to this thing that people think you are. You should have the opportunity to reinvent yourself. Because you do. Naturally.
~ Kristen Stewart 2010

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kristen Shopping for Guitars?!

So I know I haven't posted in a few days. I started celebrating my birthday
a little early.
Though it was yesterday.
I turned 21 and I had a blast!
but let's get straight to the news, because I still have things to do.

Kristen and Rob were spotted in
Norman's Rare Guitar Shop in LA yesterday.

Kristen was seen with her father.

and I'm completely surprised she didn't change her hair color yet.
Maybe she's just worried about enjoying her holidays off
with her family.
which is always a good thing.

And here is Robert (below) I have no idea if he was with Kristen and
her dad or not, but I'm sure they all had a good time there.
I love that guitar shop.

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